
As mentioned earlier, Airmad uses Handlebars to render record data. While iterating table records, all record fields are exposed to the engine and can be accessed by using the normal variable tags. For example to get the Name of a record, you can simply use {{ Name }} in a template. Aside from the default tags, Airmad provides some other useful helpers to let you easily use fields in linked tables or build slideshow.

Image Sliders

In case your table has an attachement field, you can use the {{#slider images}} or {{#sliderLarge images}} helper functions to create an image slider containing all provided images as that are listed in a field called images. By default the slide will have an aspect ratio of 1:1 — in other words a height of 100% relative to the width. You can pass an optional second argument to the helper to define a custom height as follows:

{{#slider images 75%}}

The normal slider uses resized thumbnails as source files. It is also possible to get the original image in a slider as follows:

{{#sliderLarge images 75%}}

If Equals

In case you quickly want to compare a field value with any string or number you can use the if== helper:

{{#if== field, value}} ... {{/if==}}

If Not Equals

The counterpart to if== helper is the if!= helper that lets you check for inequality:

{{#if!= field, value}} ... {{/if!=}}

Record ID

Since the actual record ID is by default not a field, Airmad provides the dedicated _ID field that contains the actual record ID.

{{ _ID }}

Linked Tables

In case you have fields that actually link to other tables in your base, the content of such a field is just a bunch of record IDs. In most cases you would want to be able to actually get the values of the one or more fields of that record. Fortunately Airmad automatically looks up the linked fields for you and replaces the ID string with an array of the actual fields. The replaced ID is then moved to the _ID field of the record’s array. Let’s assume you have a Type table and you want to access the Name of each type linked to your product. The data returned by the Airtable API looks for example as follows:

   "fields": {
     "Type": [

Airmad will look up all contained fields automatically and expose the following data to the render engine:

   "fields": {
     "Type": [
         "Name": "Chair",
         "Product": ["recUtSDeLJ4HQI0uD", "recJcjDC9IN8Vws16"],
         "_ID": "recmD5WiE2GeV3ZIW"
         "Name": "Table",
         "Product": ["recUtSDeLJ4HQI0uD"],
         "_ID": "recuBUENcDgqnzSww"
         "Name": "Carpet",
         "Product": ["recJcjDC9IN8Vws16"],
         "_ID": "recj0zpg9qo8M7SeM"

In a template you can therefore simple loop over the types and get the Name as follows:

{{# Type }}
    {{ Name }}
{{/ Type }}

Each Loops

Handlebars provides a great feature to enhance the use of lists. While it is possible to simply loop over items like:

{{# Type }}
    {{ Name }}
{{/ Type }}

You can alternatively use the {{#each Type}} ... {{/each}} helper to get more access to built-in data variables like @first, @last and @index. This is for example very useful in case you need to concatenate a list of items with a comma:

{{#each Type }}
    <i>{{Name}}</i>{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}

You can find more about the use of data variables in here.